When it comes to gifts and talents, we might consider the source of these abilities.
Buddhist traditions say we are born with “pre-natal soul patterns and habits.” As practitioners of Clairvoyant Angelic Healing, we subscribe to the thesis that the soul reincarnates so as to expand and develop itself through many lifetimes of learning experiences, retaining both the virtues and liabilities from previous lifetimes. While this may be a little out of the box for some, it is embraced by a growing number of physicians and healers today. See the writings of Harvard-trained psychiatrist Brian Weiss, who wrote Many Lives, Many Masters and also Reincarnation and Our Lives: What Did You Come Back to Learn?
This idea of the Soul progressing through lifetimes was a centerpiece in Gnostic teaching and a common doctrine in the early Christian Church. The Christian father Origen taught that souls are working their way back toward their original glory through repeated incarnations. This teaching is echoed in modern-day Jewish Kabbalistic mystery school teachings, as seen in the following quote from the Zohar: “All souls are subject to the trials of transmigration…. [They] must reenter the absolute substance whence they have emerged. But to accomplish this end they must develop all the perfection, the germ of which is planted in them, and if they have not fulfilled this condition during one life, they must commence another, a third, and so on, until they have acquired the condition which fits them for reunion with God.”
Buddhists and Hindus believe that a soul chooses when and where to incarnate, including which family, culture, location, and time in history will best set the stage for optimal growth and learning. Such an environment will induce the development of many character and personality traits and allow unhealed aspects within the psyche to emerge and perhaps be healed.
Not all gifts and talents are overt—they must be developed through cultivation and, in some cases, uncovered after years of neglect or discouragement. These gifts may have developed over lifetimes, but they also may have been long forgotten. Sometimes a helper is needed to give the little extra push or create the optimal circumstances for certain gifts to emerge. Over the ages, artists, musicians, and writers have often attributed the development of their talents to a muse or Angel—sometimes human, sometimes celestial. It is indeed a great privilege and skill to help someone discover and expand their gifts in life. It all starts with caring, appreciation and perhaps an inner inspiration to help people overcome the common tendency to discount their own latent genius.
Look back across your lifetime and you can probably identify key figures who have appeared out of the blue and given critically needed advice or advocacy, perhaps connecting you to people who have changed your life. If you want to play the muse in someone else’s life, stay connected to your inner voice and intuitive urging; this inner voice may help you to uncover latent abilities in those around you. Steve Sokolow has shown special interest in assisting us to write about our work and create a book. In the process, he has connected us with others who are sharing their expertise.
Ever since I (Peter) graduated, I have benefited from the encouragement of many people who believed that I had gifts as a healer. I also had the sense that a celestial muse/Angel was guiding me to develop unique skills that were not part of my training or education. Due to an inner urging, for example, I was drawn to have a Tarot reading by Louis Turi (now a well-known psychic with a nationally syndicated radio show) while attending a Whole Life Expo in Los Angeles in the mid 1990’s. When I first sat down with him, he told me out of the blue that I was a pilot, remarking that he flew helicopters and knew a pilot when he saw one. I was impressed, since I am an active pilot and have been flying small airplanes since I was 16. In reading the Tarot cards, he told me that I was a health professional experiencing breakthrough memories from many lifetimes as a healer. It helps enormously when someone can sense latent or developing abilities and provide encouragement to carry on.
Our Angelic muses have consistently connected with Anne and me over the years, helping us to develop latent talents and abilities, especially in regard to subtle energy awareness and my abilities as a clairvoyant. We have learned to stay open to the meaning of synchronistic encounters and events. We have also learned that we connect to Angelic guidance by setting a conscious intention to do so and then paying attention to all subtle experiences that follow.
Similarly, we know to be aware of other people’s latent gifts so as to give them encouragement. Consequently, we have received feedback that we have positively changed people’s lives. One young man named Anthony first met us in Atlanta while apprenticing at a raw food restaurant. While observing us making an Angelic Healing presentation to a special gathering there, he saw phenomena that caused him to seek us out afterward. We gave him a personal experience of our work, and he awoke to the subtle world. We encouraged him to honor the subtle sensibility that was awakening in him as a precious gift. The impact of this brief encounter was so profound that Anthony tracked us down seven years later to tell us that his interest in healing had been so piqued by what we had shared with him that he had gone on to train in hypnotherapy and now had a thriving practice. He has since taken some of our courses and incorporated what he has learned into his own practice, where it has greatly enhanced his results. One of his clients was so benefited that she just sent us an e-mail offering to pay any money due to us for Anthony’s Angelic coursework.
The point of this article is to urge you to honor your own intuitive sensibility and, through that heightened awareness, to appreciate and evoke the same sensibility in others. Stay open to the gifts other people have for you. Appreciating that everything in the universe is a glowing reflection of Divine consciousness makes for a vibrant encounter with life. Thanks to our muses and Angels, we have received numerous visions revealing ancient wisdom. For us, everything in life is a form of communication designed to bring each of us to our God-given senses! In honoring that realization, we will ultimately find our true gifts and talents.