What is clairvoyant angelic healing?
Clairvoyant Angelic Healing is a modality in which Angels provide insights into the causes of dis-ease (albeit physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual), communicating through ancient archetypes and symbols that reference problematic areas within one’s consciousness.
Responding to the invitation by our clients to do so, we invoke the guidance and help of their Guardian Angels, their connection to Source (however they define Source) and their Higher Self to unveil the hidden causation of suffering and limitation in connecting with their own Divine Nature and vibrant health. Thus we see healing on the physical plane as a manifestation of the deeper healing in the Soul and the Spirit, which can be blocked by virtue of unresolved conflicts and traumatic residues from this life and past lives.
Similarly, Angels support their charges to heal unresolved negative ancestral projections (negative lineage influences), thus creating blessings for both their ancestors and their progeny. Angels also reveal and heal dysfunctional relationship patterns and co-dependencies that plague humans everywhere through providing insights into the inner workings of their own psyche their own “inner couple”. They show how these unconscious inner workings project onto the outer world and into one’s relationships, creating challenges that ultimately are best resolved from within oneself where Angels help us all to heal through promoting higher awareness and supporting healthier choices.
Through helping their charges to reconnect to their original virtues and authentic angelic nature, Angels can help people “reset”/heal their consciousness per their original design as a Hu-Man as being made in the image of God Source, thus co-creating a better life and healthier body.
Presentation at the Lilley Center
Baker City, Oregon. April 2023
Clients include
Individuals, couples, children, animals, organizations, small businesses, and corporations. Angels also guide us to clear negative energies from homes, buildings, and land.
How we work
We work by invitation, and invocation. Angels reveal blockages and dysfunctional energy patterns in the field of consciousness. Anne makes a meticulous drawing of what Peter is guided to see. We discuss the information and the effects on the body and life patterns. Areas of physical restriction are predicted and can be demonstrated with gentle range of motion. If any concerns have not been highlighted by the Angels they are then brought into focus. We guide clients through the healing protocol and after the healing takes place, range of motion testing is repeated and compared to previous measurements.
How we connect
Sessions can be conducted by telephone, Zoom, Skype or FaceTime. Whether in person or at a distance, the same principles and correlations apply with immediate and measurable results. Angelic Healing works beyond the limitations of time and space.
Spouses, family members, and friends are welcome to be present during sessions.
Not everyone is comfortable with the words Angel, ArchAngel or God. Our work doesn’t have specific religious teachings or philosophies behind it, rather, it embraces all. We are comfortable asking the client to specify the terminology that works for him or her, including Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, etc. We use the word Angel and call on specific Angels because for us and many people, it connotes caring, intelligent, benevolent agents of the Divine dedicated to providing guidance, healing, and comfort. People not comfortable with the designation “Angels” might prefer to call on “guides and guardians in the light” or similar words and phrases and that’s ok with us.
We are equally comfortable with referring to the Divine as God, Source, Great Spirit, Mother/Father God/All That Is or, in general, whatever positive reverent terminology works for the client when referring to the Divine and the Angelic realms. Agnostics and Atheists and skeptics are welcome and honored in our practice.
We reference Esoteric Healing concepts and practices, the I Ching, Tarot, Kaballah, Traditional Chinese Medical philosophy, Astrological archetypes, and theory. We are aware of light and dark forces at work in the Universe. For us, the forces of Light express and promote truth, love and positive virtues. The dark force expresses service to self, negativity, destructive, unhealthy energies and states of mind that are disconnected from the Divine Source. Dark Entities are parasitic and promote learning the hard way. Yet they too are within the Divine plan and ultimately serve a Divine purpose. Souls embody on the Earth plane to evolve their consciousness and Divine self-awareness. The process involves drifting away from the light at certain times and ultimately returning to it at a higher level of awareness. It is not always an easy journey but it serves the Soul in the long run.
We are comfortable and knowledgeable when referring to acupuncture theory and meridians, Osteopathic manual therapy concepts, and Osteopathic practices such as CranioSacral Therapy, Myofascial release, French Lymphatic Drainage, and Visceral Manipulation. These all are part of Peter’s postgraduate Physical Therapy training and practice since graduating in 1978.
Angels –
A ministering spirit or divine messenger; an order of spiritual beings superior to man in power and intelligence.
Plato –
The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul. Let no one persuade you to cure the head until he has first given you his soul to be cured, for this is the great error of our day, that physicians first separate the soul from the body.